[Anticipation/Carly Simon]
Luke thumped his fingers on the table and looked between Robin and Dr. Roche. "So," he asked. "What’s the game plan?"
"Game plan?" Dr. Roche asked in his thick, French accent, not completely understanding.
"Mr. Carmichael wants to know how we intend to resolve this medical situation with Mrs. Carmichael," Robin replied.
Luke nodded. "Thanks, Robin."
Robert added. "How long will it take to isolate whatever has been injected into her system and find the antidote?"
Luke nodded.
"Mr. Carmichael," Dr. Roche explained. "We need extensive testing on your wife before we can begin to assess what the ‘game plan’ as you call it will be. We have no idea what we are dealing with here other than some type of foreign substance has been given to her to induce her current mental state."
Everyone could see that Luke was anxious and agitated. He looked between them all. "Okay," he demanded. "How long is that going to take?"
Robin tried to mediate, "Luke..."
Dr. Roche broke in. "It could take days. It could take weeks. It could even take months."
"No! Dammit!" Luke screamed. "She’s been locked in this hell for five years. Now, I don’t care if we all have to work 24-7 to find out what the hell that psycho bitch gave her, but it ain’t gonna take months! Let’s all be clear on that point!"
Dr. Roche stepped back. He was uncomfortable around this man who acted like a madman.
Robert stepped in. "Listen, Mate," he said, trying to calm Luke down. "It’s not going to do any good to ruffle feathers here. I know this is difficult for you but we need to do this right and take our time to make certain no mistakes are made."
"He’s right, Luke," Robin agreed. "If we don’t get this right, we could do more harm than good for Laura and her state really could become permanent."
"Mr. Carmichael," Dr. Roche said, assuringly. "We are going to do everything in our power to get you the answers you need and to help your wife, but you must give us the time and space to do our jobs."
Luke let out a long sigh. "You’re right, Doc!" He said. "I know you’re right." The stress of knowing they were on the cusp of a resolution that would bring his angel home was beginning to wear on him. He wanted her back now. He needed her back now.
"Luke," Robert replied. "Why don’t we go back to the chalet and check on things. Nikolas should be arriving soon. He may have found out something about Helena."
"That’s a great idea," Robin added. "It will give us time to run more tests on these blood samples."
Luke ran his hands through his hair. Robert did have a point. He didn’t like to leave Laura alone too long, even with a guard. Helena was on the loose and until she was found, Luke would not rest easily. He couldn’t wait to get his hands around her throat.
"Yeah, Man," he agreed. "We should probably get back." Luke turned his attention to Dr. Roche.
"You don’t work on anything else! Until you find out what this thing is and how to fix it, your attention stays solely on my wife and her condition. We clear?"
Dr. Roche’s English was not the best, and he looked at Luke somewhat puzzled. He tried to decipher Luke’s words when Robin intervened.
"M. Carmichael demande que vous travaillez uniquement sur résoudre ce probl me médical en ce qui concerne sa femme. Il l'apprécierait si ceci serait votre foyer. L'argent n'est pas un objet." Mr. Carmichael is requesting that you work solely on resolving this medical problem regarding his wife. He would appreciate it if this would be your focus. Money is not an object.Roche looked at Luke, and said. "Ceci n'est pas une tâche facile et il n'y a pas de garantie. Cependant, je vous assure que je ferai mon mieux obtenir au fond de ceci." This is not an easy task and there are no guarantees. However, I assure you that I will do my best to get to the bottom of this.
Robin translated for Luke. He shook Roche’s hand.
"That’s all I’m asking, Man. That’s all I’m asking!"
* * *
"You’ve got to stay positive, Mate," Robert said. "I know all this waiting is getting to you, but you can’t go off half-cocked like that. You never were one who had much patience."
"What can I say," Luke replied. "I’m a man of action."
Robert shook his head and chuckled to himself. "You need to learn to be a man of action who has some patience. You’ve got to be realistic, Luke. This is more complicated than figuring out a jigsaw puzzle."
"I’ve been holding the ‘Dead Man’s Hand’ for too many years now," Luke said. "I’m finally ready to ante up in this game, Man. Helena forgot to close the backdoor on this one, and my draw just improved substantially. So, if I seem a little impatient, it’s because I never thought I’d get rid of this lousy hand Laura and I have been dealt."
Robert looked at Luke. His poker analogy was spot on, but they had too much at stake to demand the wrong things from the right people. "Yeah, well the winning pot’s right in our grasp. We need to plan our strategy carefully, Luke. Helena’s been in this particular game a hell of a lot longer than we have."
"Yeah," Luke said. "But she only knows how to play one angle, and that’s going to trip her up now that we’re on to her."
"Just remember that she doesn’t trip easily," Robert offered.
"I keep thinking about what she did to Laura, and I just want to rip her rotten, black heart out."
"Let’s take it one priority at a time, eh?" Robert said. "Speaking of rotten, black hearts, Tracydidn’t seem too happy to see Tiffany. I gather from speaking with her that Tiffany rather enjoyed the visit."
Luke shot him an amused look. "I’m sure she did."
"You started thinking about how you’re going to handle that situation?"
"I feel like a cold-hearted bastard for saying this," Luke paused. "But the only person on my mind is Laura. I’ve been locked in the memories of our past for so long because those were the best days of my life, and I can’t seem to let anything else enter into it."
Robert sympathized with Luke, but observed. "I hate to break it to you, Mate, but Tracy’s right in the middle of it."
"I’m sure it looks that way," Luke said. "But, she’s so far removed from my thoughts, Robert.
I know it’s a hell-of-a-mess. Tracy’s been a lively diversion for me these last few years, but my life has and always will be with Laura."
"You’re not telling me anything I don’t already know," Robert replied. "But, for your sake, I think you better let her know pretty soon where things stand."
Luke nodded in agreement. He said with cautious optimism. "For the first time in years, it feels like there might be something good up ahead, Robert. When I think about it, Laura is the only one I see."
"Well, then...." Robert replied, "you better see to it that Tracy is let down with some of her pride left in tact... I imagine she has a nasty bite!"
"There’s a thin line between love and hate, Man," Luke noted. "I’m about to cross that line with Tracy and it ain’t gonna be pretty."
Robert squinted his eyes together, deep in thought. "I just hope she doesn’t make it too ugly for you. I can’t see her letting go easily, and it would be just like her to fight you in divorce proceedings."
Luke smiled, wryly. "Oh, she can try," he said. "But she won’t win that battle."
Something in Luke’s voice made Robert think that he wasn’t being told everything. "You holding out on me, Mate?"
Luke slapped his shoulder, saying. "Not for long, Pal. I’m not ready to talk about it all just yet, but, when I am, you’ll be the first to know."Robert could tell that whatever Luke was withholding had major repercussions, and he could only guess that it involved Tracy.
He shook his head in disbelief and began to laugh. "You sly, old bastard!"
Luke didn’t say anything. He didn’t have to. The look on his face said it all.
* * *
When they arrived at the chalet, Nikolas had not yet arrived. Luke left Robert to check on Laura. She was sitting at the window staring out at the garden. Something in his heart twisted in pain because she wasn’t fully present to enjoy them. Laura had always loved flowers.
He motioned to the nurse to give him a private moment with his wife, and waited for her to leave before he went to Laura. His hand gently touched the side of her cheek as he kissed the top of her golden head.
He knelt in front of her, taking her hands in his and looked up into her face. God. It always amazed him how beautiful she was. She had never needed a stitch of makeup. She was naturally beautiful. Her skin was as soft as bisque porcelain, her lips were the color of Cupcake pink roses and tasted just as sweet.
Then, there were her eyes...the place where he always let go of his demons and lost himself in their blue splendor.
He kissed her hands and whispered. "I’m with you, Baby! I’m right here with you.
Luke looked intently into her eyes. "Laura," he called. "We’re close, Sweetheart! We’re so close to finding the answers that will undo this nightmare. The wall between us is coming down, Baby! I’m going to get you out of there. I swear it! I swear it, Laura!
He rubbed her hands. He kissed the eternity band that he had slipped onto her finger last November when he told her that as long as he breathed, he belonged to her. "Angel, you’ve got to fight to come back. Do you hear me, Laura? I know you can get back to me. I’m fighting like hell to reach you, Baby! Somewhere in there, I know you can hear me. Follow my voice Laura. Follow my voice and it will bring you home...."
He tried to see into her eyes. He tried to find some spark of recognition that told him she was as close to him behind this invisible veil as he was to her. His eyes glistened with tears. He took her face in his hands and said with conviction. "When this is all over with, there will be no more ‘Wall of Jericho’ between us - real or imagined. Do you hear me, Laura Spencer? No more! No blankets, no people....nothing is going to be between us ever again!" Then, he gently touched his lips to hers.
"I’m going to dance with you out in that garden under the stars before we leave Paris, Mrs. Spencer," he said, recalling the words he had spoken to her the night they had danced in the snow. "And, I’m not leaving here without my dance..."
* * *
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