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Tuesday, August 16, 2011


"Listen, Mate," Robert said into his cell phone. "I’m going to let you speak to Robin. I think she can explain it better than me."
"Talk to me, Robin," Luke said to his Goddaughter. "This ain’t computing."
Robin took a deep breath, trying to figure out how to best explain this new development to him.  "Dr. Roche looked through Laura’s medical records and some things aren’t adding up. Namely, her blood tests indicate something isn’t right. Can you bring her to Paris so that he can examine her?"
Luke looked around the room, his mind racing. He couldn’t tell if this was good or bad news. "What do you mean...something isn’t right with her blood?" He asked.
"Last November," Robin told him. "When Laura checked into Shadybrook, they started her on a new Benzodiazepine drug, and they ran tests on her after about a month. I got a copy of those results and brought them with me...."
"When Dr. Roche was looking through her file," Robin continued. "There was a glaring anomaly in her blood work. There’s some kind of synthetic agent showing up.  He went back and looked at all of her blood tests, and this compound is showing up in everyone of them."
Luke’s heart was pounding rapidly. "What kind of synthetic agent?" He asked.
"I’m not sure, Luke," she replied. "There isn’t a lot known about it except that it’s in the cyllicymede family of drugs used in the treatment of severe forms of psychosis. These synthetic drugs have to be registered within the pharmaceutical industry for FDA approval.  Here’s what sent red flags up. Cyllicymede is registered to CyllInc - a Russian based pharmaceutical company."
Luke ran his hands through his hair as this information registered. "What?!"
"Yeah, and I did some further research before we called you.  CyllInc is a subsidiary of  Sokkimovitch Industries. Guess who’s the President and Chief Operating Officer?"
Luke’s blood began to boil as he felt his gut contract. "Helena Cassadine," he said through gritted teeth.
"Bingo!" Robin’s head was spinning with everything that had been uncovered. "You know the cause of Catatonia has never been identified, and no complete understanding of its permanency or even what’s the best method’s of treatment is medically agreed upon.  That’s why I’ve never settled for the prognosis they gave Laura after LS-49 failed. I’m beginning to think, and Dr. Roche doesn’t disagree, that Laura’s catatonic state could be extrinsic."
"Extrinsic," Luke said.
"Yes," Robin agreed. "The medical definition is ‘originating from the outside’." Luke felt his heart leap into his throat and he gulped. "Are you telling me that Helena Cassadine has somehow induced this catatonic state of Laura’s and kept her in it for five years?"
Robin let out a long sigh, not wanting to confirm this suspension until they had further test results. "I can’t say for sure, Luke. That’s why Dr. Roche wants to examine Laura himself."
"I don’t believe this," he muttered. He sat dumbfounded. Helena had finally check-mated him!
He couldn’t believe that he never suspected that she could be behind this! Over the years, he had bribed many doctors. But, given Rick’s death, and Laura’s breakdown, there was no reason for him to suspect anything other than what the doctor’s had told him.
"I’m sorry, Luke," Robin said. "I feel like I failed you and Laura."
"Oh, Baby!" Luke re-assured her. "You have nothing to apologize for! You’ve been like a dog holding onto a bone with all of this. I don’t know what I would have done without you and your constant diligence over the last five years - looking into it - staying on top of the research.  Don’t you be sorry about anything."
Somehow, it didn’t make her feel better. "I’m going to let you talk to Dad," she said. "And I’ll make the arrangements for your arrival. I’ve explained the situation to Dr. Roche, and he’s very discrete.  You don’t need to worry! He’ll see Lucy Carmichael as soon as you can get here."
"Thanks, Robin."
"I know what you’re thinking, Mate."
"I’m going to kill her!" Luke growled. "I’m going to kill her with my bare hands!"
"I hear you," Robert said, sympathetically. "But not yet. We have to find her, Luke. This doctor said that these synthetic drugs are made with chemical derivations. CyllInc never registered this drug with the FDA, and they can’t figure out its make-up or counter agent yet. Helena is the only one with the formula."
"They are going to be able figure it out, though, right?" Luke demanded. "Don’t dangle this hope in front of me, Man, then take it away."
"Probably," Robert said, cautiously. "But without the formula, it’s going to take them some time to figure it all out. Trust me, these things are tricky."
Working for the WSB had certainly proven that to him.
Luke kicked into Luke-mode. He said, emphatically. "I’m going to enjoy getting it out of her."
"I’ll gladly help you!" Robert replied. "Listen, I’m going to contact some doctors I know with the World Health Bureau and see if I can get any leads on this drug."
"Thanks, Man."
"Luke," Robert knew he didn’t need to make this suggestion, but he did anyway. "I think you need to call Nikolas."
I’m way ahead of you, Man!" Luke said.
"Be careful, Mate," Robert warned. "If Helena is behind this, she’s obviously planned it meticulously, and she’s, no doubt, aware of everything that’s going on. We’ve got some pretty heavy stakes here."
All of Luke’s circuits were breaking, as thoughts hit him left and right. "Find out what you can about Roche."
"I’m already on it."
"I’ll call you when we’re on our way."
"I’ll be waiting."
Luke sat with his thoughts for a moment, before he called Nikolas. Laura was coming home. It wasn’t just a possibility anymore, and Helena Cassadine was going to pay for this deception with her life. For the first time in nine months, Luke didn’t feel the need for a drink.

* * *
Luke didn’t mince words when he heard Nikolas’ voice. Especially given that they were on an open phone line.
"Get your cell phone, and call me back!" Then, he waited for the return call.
"What’s happened?" Nikolas asked. For Luke to call him directly meant something significant was up.
"I need you to get me everything you can on a pharmaceutical company called CyllInc and Sokkimovitch Industries."
"Sokkimovitch Industries?" Nikolas questioned, confused. "That’s a defunct subsidiary of the Cassadine Corporation."
"It ain’t so defunct."
Nikolas wasn’t sure what was going on, but Luke had to be wrong. There was no record of it on any of the financial reports that he received monthly.
"Stephan closed that corporation years ago after my grandfather died."
"Well, Helena’s got it up and running again," he replied.
"Brace yourself, my boy," Luke tried to remain calm as he informed Nikolas of the latest development.
"That viper is behind your mother’s medical condition."
"You aren’t serious," Nikolas said, bewildered. He knew Helena was evil, but this....
"Deadly," Luke replied. "And that’s what she’s going to be before I’m through with her!"
Nikolas pulled a file from his desk as he and Luke spoke. "If what you’re telling me is true,"
Nikolas said. "I’ll kill her myself."
"Oh, no!" Luke disagreed. "She’s mine."
Nikolas didn’t argue. But, if Helena had done this to his mother, Luke would have his help in whatever plans he had for her. "Tell me what you need."
"Everything you got!" Luke exclaimed.
"Meet me in Paris as soon as you can get there."
"I’m on my way."
"Nikolas," Luke, cautioned him. "Helena eats her own. Watch your back."

* * *

Nikolas made a call from his car phone, as he sped to the hanger where the Cassadine jet was waiting.  His order was short and to-the-point.  "Íàéäèòå Ýëåíó! Êîãäà Âû äåëàåòå, ñêóéòå îò íåå è ïðèíåñèòå åå ìíå. " Find Helena! When you do, shackle her and bring her to me.
* * *

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